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Protecting Colorado agricultureLivestock production in Colorado contributes more than $5 billion to the state's economy and supports more than 150,000 jobs. Producers have been raising livestock in Colorado since before statehood and agriculture is a crucial part of our shared heritage. Our historic and nation-leading agriculture industry has been under a tremendous threat the last several months. Colorado Cattlemen's Association, along with with partners Colorado Farm Bureau, Colorado Wool Growers Association, Colorado Dairy Farmers, Colorado Livestock Association and Colorado Pork Producers Council formed a coalition group to fight this harmful initiative and protect our shared heritage and history, our dynamic agricultural economy and our way of life. Coloradans for Animal Care will continue to work hard to ensure that Colorado remains a national leader in responsible, environmentally sustainable, socially conscious and scientifically grounded livestock production. On June 22, 2021 Coloradans for Animal Care praised the Colorado Supreme Court for their 7-0 ruling against Initiative 16, determining it did not meet the single subject requirements for a citizen ballot initiative. If the proponents wish to continue pursuing the measure, they will have to rewrite and file another title with the Title Board, beginning the process again. Any signatures that were collected are now void. While the Coalition applauds the recent ruling, there is still a watchful eye present as other harmful measures similar to Initiative 16 can be brought up at anytime. To read the recent news release, click here. Initiative 16 MaterialsEverything you need to know about Initiative 16 and the harmful impacts it will have on the state of Colorado in its entirety. Featured below are the current white pages, CO Secretary of State filing updates and shareable graphics released by Coloradans for Animal Care. For a more technical review of the initiative, click here for the technical brief.