Colorado Public Lands Council

Since 1968, the Public Lands Council (PLC) has actively represented the cattle and sheep producers who hold public lands grazing permits. PLC advocates for these western ranchers who preserve our nation’s natural resources, while providing vital food and fiber to the nation and the world. PLC seeks to educate and inform policy decision-makers about public lands ranching to ensure the success and longevity of the industry in the United States. 

Colorado Public Lands Council works on behalf of federal lands grazers in Colorado and our bordering states. Thank you to those who continue to support PLC through your voluntary annual assessment! This assessment is based on the animal unit month (AUM) numbers provided by the BLM and USFS. The assessments collected annually by Colorado PLC are used in Washington, D.C. and Colorado to ensure public lands grazing continues for generations to come.

**2023 annual assessments were sent in the fall of 2023, as well as a fall 2023 newsletter. The 2024 assessments will not be sent again until this fall. Please check your mailbox for an updated spring 2024 newsletter and the 2023 annual assessment if CO PLC did not yet receive your 2023 assessment payment. **

BLM and Forest Service Collaboration
CO PLC has earned a trust-based relationship with agencies that allows us to address annual and ongoing improvements that benefit permittees and administration of grazing allotments. Meetings are held with regional, state, and local agency staff multiple times per year. In addition, CO PLC is the ONLY organization in Colorado, and one of a handful nationally, that hold MOUs that empower the organization to represent permittees on monitoring, dispute resolutions, and cost-share programming. 

Planning Processes

There are multiple comment periods recently closed, currently open or highly anticipated in the next few months. See below for links to agency resources to stay updated on ongoing planning processes. 

Recent Actions

Colorado Public Lands Council and CCA submitted the following comments regarding Greater Sage-Grouse Rangewide Planning. Click here to read the submitted comments. 

Colorado Public Lands Council recently commented on the Colorado Dolores Monument Designation. Click here to read more.

Bureau of Land Management 

U.S. Forest Service

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

National Public Lands Council Update - Anticipated Regulatory Action

  • USFWS Section 10 Take Permits - Final rule expected soon.
  • USFWS Wildlife Refuge System BIDEH Rule - Comments on proposed rule closed.
  • BLM Conservation and Landscape Health Rule - Final rule expected March.
  • BLM Revised Sage Grouse Plans - Comments closed. Click here for more information
  • BLM Westwide Solar Plan - Comments closed. 
  • USFWS Migratory Bird Treaty Act Take Permits - Final rule expected April.
  • USFWS ESA Critical Habitat - Final rule expected April.
  • USFWS ESA Section 7 Consultation - Final rule expected April.
  • USFWS ESA Blanket 4(d) Rule - Final rule expected April.

Stay tuned to check this page for updated resources and information related to the Colorado Public Lands Council.