Colorado Cattlemen’s Opposition to Denver’s Unfair Ballot Measure Prohibiting Slaughterhouses


For Immediate Release

Contact: Tatum Swink
303-431-6422 | [email protected]

September 3, 2024


Colorado Cattlemen’s Opposition to Denver’s Unfair Ballot Measure Prohibiting Slaughterhouses

LAKEWOOD, Colo. - On behalf of farmers and ranchers across Colorado, the Colorado Cattlemen's Association (CCA) is adamantly opposed to the ballot initiative "Prohibition of Slaughterhouses,” which the City and County of Denver residents will vote on in November 2024. 

This ballot initiative, driven by the activist group Pro-Animal Future, will ask Denver voters, “Shall the voters of the City and County of Denver adopt an ordinance prohibiting slaughterhouses, and, in connection, beginning January 1, 2026, prohibiting the construction, maintenance, or use of slaughterhouses within the City; and requiring the City to prioritize residents whose employment is affected by the ordinance in workforce training or employment assistance programs?”  

If enacted, this measure would force the closure of a singular company, Superior Farms, a longstanding, employee-owned business in Denver that has served the community for over 70 years. The immediate result would be the loss of nearly 200 jobs, with far-reaching consequences for Colorado’s agriculture sector, including ranchers, truckers, distributors, retailers, and restaurants.

“This ballot measure would reduce the resilience of the meat supply chain, increase costs for livestock producers, and eliminate consumer choice for local food sources,” said Tom Harrington, CCA President. “Each of these outcomes have devastating consequences across the state and nation, and we appreciate the agriculture and business communities working together to halt this harmful measure.”

CCA joins other agricultural and business organizations in strict opposition, viewing the initiative as an attack on a single employee-owned business and a broader threat to Colorado’s agricultural and livestock communities. A recent economic study by Colorado State University predicts severe repercussions, including an estimated $861 million loss in economic activity and eliminating 2,787 jobs across the state. Additionally, consumers would face higher meat prices as products are sourced outside Colorado, disproportionately impacting families and small businesses.

This ballot measure is misguided, unfair, and sets a dangerous precedent. CCA urges Denver voters to vote NO on the "Prohibition of Slaughterhouses" ballot measure and to protect jobs, food security, and the economic well-being of Colorado.

For more information on how to join the Stop the Ban campaign, visit


Colorado Cattlemen’s Association’s (CCA) is the state’s premier cattlemen’s association serving as the principal voice and advocate for Colorado beef production. CCA accomplishes this through its vision of “advancing the legacy” of beef production for its members by ensuring a dynamic and profitable industry that provides growth and opportunity for future generations.

Connect with Us:

      Colorado Cattlemen's Association | 7000 W 14th Ave Lakewood, CO 80214 | 303-431-6422

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