December 16, 2023
Colorado Livestock Producers Disappointed with Ruling in Suit to Delay Wolf Introduction
LAKEWOOD, Colo. - Colorado Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) and Gunnison County Stockgrowers Association (GCSA) are disappointed that forced wolf introduction will move forward as planned. Judge Regina M. Rodriguez denied the requested injunction against the introduction of wolves. Even with this setback, CCA and GCSA remain committed to the livestock producers and rural communities most affected by wolf introduction and to ensure the claims put forth in the case are addressed.
“Results show that Proposition 114 passed by a narrow margin in 2020. The will of the people must be respected, but the experiential knowledge of ranchers cannot be ignored. Wolf introduction in our state should not be moving forward without consideration of all the impacts, especially for the livestock, wildlife, and communities most affected,” said Robert Farnam, CCA President.
The Court’s decision doesn’t downplay the real implications of wolf introduction on the livelihoods of livestock producers. Challenging compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), that would have analyzed all of the impacts of an introduction, was the right thing to do. The agricultural and other communities are held to that standard every day. As for the next steps, CCA and GCSA will study the Court’s ruling, and we will consider all of the alternatives after conferring with our legal teams. This is a setback to our legal strategy but not the end of our efforts.
Colorado Cattlemen’s Association’s (CCA) is the state’s premier cattlemen’s association serving as the principal voice and advocate for Colorado beef production. CCA accomplishes this through its vision of “advancing the legacy” of beef production for its members by ensuring a dynamic and profitable industry that provides growth and opportunity for future generations.
Gunnison County Stockgrowers’ Association is an incorporated non-profit organization and represents nearly all the active livestock producers in the Gunnison Valley; advocating on behalf of members, the cattle producers, and ranch families of the Gunnison Valley. GCSA membership contributes millions in economic revenue to the local community, provides jobs, and sustains critical wildlife habitat values across a significant private land base.
Colorado Cattlemen's Association | 7000 W 14th Ave Lakewood, CO 80214 | 303-431-6422