153rd Colorado Cattlemen’s Association Annual Convention - New Format, Same Results

Member Communications

June 17, 2020


153rd Colorado Cattlemen’s Association Annual Convention - New Format, Same Results

Due to state gathering restrictions, Colorado Cattlemen's Association (CCA) will be implementing an alternative series of virtual and in-person meetings for the 2020 Annual Convention and Sponsor Spotlights.  Although it’s unfortunate we cannot hold a traditional Annual Convention this year, we have revised the event to still provide educational sessions, networking opportunities, leadership recognition, and policy development.  

The Colorado CattleWomen (CCW) and the Junior Colorado Cattlemen (JCCA) will also plan to hold their business meetings in coordination with the upcoming virtual events. More information and a schedule-of-events for these meetings will be provided in the coming weeks. 

Sponsorship opportunities are still available with this new format, and create a unique opportunity to connect with CCA’s members and industry stakeholders in a new virtual and in-person setting. Please contact Sarah Dideriksen at [email protected], or at (303) 431-6422 for more information.

All of the virtual events are complementary.  For those who have reserved a hotel room at the Colorado Springs Marriott, please contact the hotel directly at 719-260-1800 by July 5th.  Additionally, CCA will be reimbursing all convention registrations.

Below is an outline of the new, revamped meeting schedule. To register, or for more information, please call the CCA office at (303) 431-6422 or email [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you online soon!

CCA’s 2020 Annual Convention Updated Schedule of Events:
Open invitation to all CCA members, sponsors, industry stakeholders, and special invitees

Leadership Election and Social Hour -Wednesday, July 1, 7:00 p.m.
Registration Link: https://tinyurl.com/ccaconvention1 This will be a virtual Zoom meeting. 

  • Overview of 2020 Annual Convention Schedule of Events

  • Election of Officers and Board Members (Affiliates and Board Members must be present for this!)

  • Outgoing President’s Address - Steve Wooten, Kim

  • Incoming President’s Address - Janie VanWinkle, Fruita

  • Recognition of Board Chair - Philip Anderson, Walden

  • Outgoing Board Member - Tim Lehmann, Powderhorn

  • Leadership Social (Honoring Steve Wooten and CCA’s Past Presidents) - with a special performance from a CCA member! (Performer will be unveiled next week!)  Bring Your Own Laptop...and Beverage

Business Meeting: Issue Discussions and Resolutions - Thursday, July 30, 1:00 p.m.
Registration Link: https://tinyurl.com/ccaconvention2 This will be a virtual Zoom meeting.

  • Discussions and Updates on Current Industry Issues

  • Consideration of Submitted and Renewing Resolutions

  • Other Business

CCA/CSU Ranching Legacy Symposium - Date and Time, TBD
This will be a virtual Zoom meeting.

  • Marketing Like an “Agvocate” (Brought to you in partnership with the Cattlemen’s Education Series program, sponsored exclusively by the National Corn Growers Association)

    • CCA and Colorado State University (CSU) Overview 

    • Changing Political Landscape

    • The Power of Effective Marketing

    • Your Association - The Colorado Cattlemen’s Association

In-person Convention Gatherings - August - September - Dates TBD

CCA will host Convention Gatherings across the state promoting member engagement through issue updates and discussions such as cattle prices, water, environment and many more industry critical topics.  The Convention Gatherings will ensure anyone and everyone will have an opportunity to hear from and speak to CCA leadership.

CCA Leadership Recognition - CCA’s Mid-Winter Conference, Jan. 18-19, 2021

  • Face-to-Face Recognition of Key Volunteer Leaders from 2020

  • Presentation of Awards 

  • Getting Back to Business - What's CCA’s Plan?

In addition to the outlined convention events, CCA will be offering a variety of educational webinars including, but not limited to a social media workshop, grassroots advocacy, and more. Stay tuned for more information and for more details, please visit CCA’s website at www.coloradocattle.org/annual-convention.   


Colorado Cattlemen's Association | 8833 Ralston Road, Arvada, CO 80002 | 303-431-6422

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